Sunday, 19 April 2015

Rejuvenated; It's Been a While

Hey yo, I'm back with something different! Yes, a video. Recently, I've been very inspired by a few of my favorite youtubers- Casey Neistat, Tim Kellner, Will Darbyshire and Molly Darcy.
Why did I start this? I want to inject beauty into the ordinary things in life and show you my perspective. There will always be times where you drift away from your passions, not because it no longer excites you, but due to inertia and that lack of spark to get you started.
Living on a tiny island like Singapore, you have to make do with your surroundings. The better you appreciate, the greater the fulfillment. We are often equipped with far too high expectations.
As for now, this is what keeps me going; A creative space to express what I could not have otherwise fathom my thoughts into words. I do not just want to live, I want to be alive.
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